Ten Things About Me | #lifeunmasked
I’m attending a blogging conference in a couple of weeks to learn more about the back end (I almost wrote backside) of blogging and creative writing. The best part will be meeting some of the great people I’ve spoken with online. I’ve done this a few times now – met people in real life after…
Read MoreGod Came There
The hall wore vertical stripes like a matron trying to hide her spreading hips. Yellowed light from 20-year-old wagon-wheel chandeliers froze cameras unable to resolve the flash-or-no-flash dilemma. Plates on tables presented forgettable food. But God came there. Through the words of timid but obedient women, He spoke gentle firm correction to this woman who…
Read MoreThe Relevant Conference!
Today is the first day of The Relevant Conference, where two hundred Christian women are gathering to learn more about writing and blogging and to be encouraged and encouragers of one another. Many of us have become good friends through emails, phone calls, Skype, and Twitter, praying for one another and counseling each other through faith and…
Read MoreSome News and a Teaser
I am going to The Relevant Conference! Huge thanks to Sarah Mae, Jessica, and Dana for allowing me to earn my ticket by choosing me for the job of analyzing the social media coverage of the conference. I am so excited to meet face-to-face so many of the ladies I’ve chatted with online, and to…
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