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Snapshots of a Roller-Coaster Week

We’re dog-sitting an adorable pug named Bruce.

He’s fit right into the family, which is good since he may be with us for a few months.

We got our first accumulating snow (though not enough for a snow man, much to the kids’ chagrin).

The hospital came to pick up Elli’s medical equipment. (We are giving to children who can’t find funding to get it on their own. Seeing it go, and seeing the empty room… it’s tough. I have to keep reminding myself of where it’s all going.)

It’s been a week of highs and lows, laughter and tears, good news and extreme frustration. Taking care of all the things related to the death of our daughter has been much more complicated and difficult that we ever dreamed. It could all be just a big mistake, or it could be deliberate efforts to avoid liability. We’re still trying to sort out what happened, what our options are, and what changes it’s going to require us to make. We covet your prayers for wisdom, for God’s provision, and for our attitudes and actions to remain above reproach even things don’t resolve in our favor.

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