Blog Articles

Infiltrating Injustice: With What Should We Fill the Racial Divide?
Today, A Deeper Story is running what is most likely my last post for the group site. At the end of February, we will stop publishing new material (though the archives will stay indefinitely). I’m not sure yet what I will do with this new void in my personal writing schedule, but I do know this – I will keep writing. The work of finding common ground and understanding within our stories is not done, and it will never be.
Today, I’m thinking about racism and injustice and where to go from here. Some friends I trust who identify with other ethnicities have read it and given me their feedback before I published it.
Mostly, I have questions about what’s going on right now, like “Are things actually worse this year? Is fate or God or the weight of years of injustice finally pressing our faces into our own steaming pile of shit, forcing us to acknowledge things we’ve always before managed to shove out of our collective consciousness?”
I’m closing comments here, so I hope you’ll click over to read the full post and join the conversation in the comments there.
Image credit: Otto Yamamoto/The All-Nite Images, CC-BY-SA