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Enjoying the Early Mornings

Saturday morning, 7:15am, and I’m up.

My boys don’t get the concept of sleeping in.
 No matter how early I set my alarm to try to rise before them,

no matter how late we keep them up the night before
(or the few nights before),

my Little Boy is always the first child out of bed.
He’s always up before 7:30am,

he climbs up the ladder into the top bunk, 

crawls all over his big brother,
and starts pounding, tapping, growling, squeaking,
til everyone else is awake too.

I know it’s just a matter of years though,

 until I can’t get them out of bed. 

So I stumble out of bed, brew coffee,
and try to enjoy these early mornings with my boys
before they fade into the past.
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