Blog Articles

Friday Round-Up, Vol 1
On Fridays I’m going to highlight some recent developments and share a few of the posts that touched me this week.
A Deeper Story: Tales of Christ and Culture
I’m over-the-moon that the founders of Deeper Story have invited me to join them as a story-teller. Their mission is exactly what I’m about: tell stories to put faces on the taboo topics we can’t but desperately need to talk about. From the About Us page:
What if? What if we could actually toss aside the brutal blunt force of our cemented opinion and engage the senses instead… painted pictures with words and ignited imagination?
What if story became the vehicle?
It’s easy to tell someone your opinion. It’s hard work telling them your story.
The stories here will touch nerves. You will not agree with everything. They are sometimes raw and gritty. They are always vulnerable. This site, and my contributions, may not be for you, and that’s ok. But if you are seeking a safe place to find kindred spirits and share your own stories, check out Deeper Story.
Let’s Talk!
I launched a discussion forum this week. I invite you to post your questions or topics, or if you prefer, email them to me. As I wrote yesterday, asking questions is my ministry and I would be honored to give voice to yours.
My goal is to build a safe place to ask the things we’re afraid to say out loud. I want your opinions and thoughts to be shared here, but please work hard to share with grace and kindness. This is not a space to preach, this is not a space to hammer your opinions down someone else’s throat.
Today’s topic is alcohol and a Bible study — is it ok to drink a beer with one hand and hold your Bible in the other?
Notable Posts from the Interwebs
Sarah, who writes “Emerging Mummy” wrote an incredible post this week on biblical womanhood. As she so eloquently states,
I am a biblical woman because I live and move and have my being in the daily reality of being a follower of Jesus, living in the reality of being loved.
Biblical womanhood isn’t so different that biblical personhood.
Katie writes at Halfway to Normal, and is also a contributor to the Huffington Post. Her writing is powerful, and her post on depression, January is Actually the Darkest Month, gave voice to my own cycle of ups and down. Her article on Huffington Post this week, Is Conflict Resolution the Wrong Goal?, challenges the idea that actually resolving disagreements is always possible.
Alise writes the blog Alise-Writes. If you’ve ever been hurt by another, you must read her post Tetelestai. We have hope – “It is finished.”
Gen, of Turquoise Gates, is one of those people who, as soon as we met, something sparked and we both recognized a kindred spirit. Her writing feeds my soul, but it is a hard-won wisdom. You must read this post, On the Perfectly Level Ground.
Finally, just for laughs, the 46 Stages of Twitter. I can neither confirm nor deny my score in the mid-30s.
What caught your eye this week? Please share in the comments!
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