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Friday Wrap-Up, Vol 3
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how transitions in life are often as intense and scary as transition in child birth. I hinted at something new, and these recent weeks have definitely involved lots of pushing. We’re still cleaning up the baby and calling the relatives (to continue the childbirth analogy), so stay tuned. I look forward to announcing our big news, hopefully in the next week.
In case you missed it, I wrote two guest posts this week, on life in public ministry at Deeper Story, and the inter-relationship of guilt and depression at Alise-Writes.
Also, I’m tired. Maybe it’s because I wrote about two of the most painful chapters in my life in the same week.
Posts that Caught My Eye
If you’ve ever met a parent of a child with special needs and thought to yourself either “I could never do that” or “He/She is so strong,” read this post, “Special needs families: Grieving what isn’t to embrace what is.” This mom tells it like it is.
Can’t stop complaining about gas prices? May I suggest that perhaps you need a bit of perspective on events in the Middle East?
“When my world falls apart (because worlds do) don’t come to me with bullet points, the etymologies and hermeneutics. Come to me with Story.” Breathtaking post on being reformed and the Lover Paradigm.
What caught your eye this week?
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