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Snapshots of a Birthday
It’s a sort-of wordless Wednesday today. As Bob Cratchit said in Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol,” we’ve been making rather merry. I thought I’d share some photo highlights.
We partnered with our local school district to put on a benefit concert for the Find a Voice Fund, established in our daughter Elli’s memory. A barbershop chorus came, in their lime green satin shirts and sequined suit coats, and put on a very entertaining show. Much to my relief, the kids actually watched, listened, and enjoyed themselves. That was good since my husband and I both had to disappear occasionally to speak, or share a video, or otherwise play co-hosts. We raised almost $3000 for communication devices for children unable to speak!
One of the high school choirs led “Happy Birthday” in full harmony at the end of the concert. It was a surprise for Little Girl, pulled together at the last minute when the girls in the women’s choir found out that it was Little Girl’s birthday.
My mother-in-law outdid herself again with the birthday cake. Little Girl requested Cinderella. It was stunning, almost too pretty to eat. Almost.
I made Big Boy a twin-sized quilt for his bed at about this age, and when I came upon a store closing out their fabrics and realized I could get these adorable fabrics for 80% off, the birthday-quilt-for-Little-Girl project was born. I need to bind the edges and it’s completely done. The look on her face here was accompanied by, “You made this, Mom????” She said exactly the right thing!
What have you been up to lately? Any merry-making in your neck of the woods?
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