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Here, There, Everywhere!

Sword of the Lord Book Review

The short version of my review of “The Sword of the Lord: The Roots of Fundamentalism in an American Family” is up on Deeper Story today. We created a group review there, so you’ll also find several other reviews. I really enjoyed reading the other reviews — we didn’t talk about it at all before we wrote them.

I also published a long version of my review here. In short – get this book and read it. It’s important to understand this part of our history.


Get Clean cleaning items: bottles, cloths, tote

Children and Cleaning Products Can Safely Co-exist

Living in a family is messy business. Ok, living is messy – I can’t blame it all on everyone else! Clothes get dirty, food spills, kids squirt toothpaste all over the bathroom sink and leave it there to dry, boys miss the toilet leaving their bathroom smelling like pee, windows smear, markers and crayons leave marks on hardwood and tile and carpet….

Read the rest of my post over here.


Should You Schedule Your Tweets?

I recently read this BlogHer post criticizing folks on Twitter for tweeting about other things during the recent coverage of Osama bin Laden’s death.

She makes three assumptions in her post, all three of which are flawed….

Click here to read the rest of the post on BlogHer.


Laura Dickey, of “Creativity Unleashed” featured me in a weekly interview she does called “Friday Feature.” I’ve never done an interview like this before, so it was fun!


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