Blog Articles

VBS = No Words
Our church is holding their annual vacation Bible this week, and I’m helping with a group of 4th-6th grade boys and girls. I thoroughly enjoy working with kids this age and have had some really good conversations with some of the girls, but people… this is exhausting. I’ve crashed on the couch every day this week for at least an hour.
I have lots of post ideas, like what should we be saying to children about God and faith that won’t destroy them later? Who makes up the songs for VBS? Why do they get stuck in our heads for weeks after?
But I have no energy to flesh them out… yet.
So instead of writing, I’m just going to let you enjoy a few photos from our recent trip to Huntington Beach State park and Atalaya.
I’ll be back next week, when I’m posting for Deeper Story again, writing one last post for my worship series (inspired by the music from our VBS), and announcing a new blog series for the month of July.
Have a great weekend!