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There’s Full and There’s TOO Full

The sky is a shade lighter than black as I slowly sit up in bed and feel around for the one button that will turn off the alarm. My bladder is full and I thank God for another month no baby presses on it. (Our youngest baby is sleeping in the room next door, about to turn four, and with two heart surgeries under his belt already we knew we were maxed out. )blue early-dawn sky

I fill the pitcher of water with filtered water, pour it into the coffee maker and ladle in the scoops. The aroma begins to wake me as the basket fills with beans.

My foot lands on a crack in the wood floor and I fold over myself from the sharp pain shooting up my heel. A spot on my foot has grown over-full. The doctor says it’s a plantar wart. We’ve frozen it twice and I pray it heals before my trip to Bolivia with World Vision. Walking hurts that spot terribly.

As the water starts to perk, I pick up my Bible. These last days have been so full of preparing to travel to Bolivia and trying to soak up all the Spanish phrases and family time I can that I’m behind on my reading. I only have 8 days left of my Bible in 90 days, but I’m about 3 days behind. It irks me.

Sponsor in BoliviaI pray as I open the Bible, pray that God would empty my heart now so He can fill it up in Bolivia… fill it with the things that are important to him instead of the trivialities I cram in there.

This post written in response to the writing prompt “Full” from The Gypsy Mama.

Written in a full five minutes, with no (well, I went back and added the links later) edited. Visit her site to read more.

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