Blog Articles

book winners and new life: unmasked giveaway
I’ve had the chance to offer three different book giveaways in the last couple of weeks, which I have to say is so fun! I love giving gifts! I am delighted to announce the winners today.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the launch of life: unmasked last week. Your posts were exactly what I had hoped for — honest, bare, God-filled, hopeful. I sensed a real coming-alongside-one-another in your contributions. I hope that you did too. Please take a few minutes to visit one or two of those who posted and share a word of encouragement with them.
Have you done your post for this week’s life: unmasked yet? You can do anything — write for a few minutes or for an hour, simply post a photo, or record a video. I’m giving away a copy of Christa Wells’s CD “Frame the Clouds” to one of this week’s life: unmasked participants, so make sure you link up before midnight this Saturday.
“Smack Dab in the Middle of God’s Love“
Congratulations to Stacey, a teacher who won a copy of Brennan Manning’s beautiful new book for children.
“Will There Be Faith? A New Vision for Educating and Growing Disciples”
The winner of my very gently-used copy of Thomas Groome’s excellent book on educating for faith is EmJ, a pastor who I know will get much good out of this book for her church. Congratulations!
Grace for the Good Girl“
Emily Freeman of Chatting at the Sky graciously agreed to give one copy of her new book to a writer in our very first life: unmasked link-up last week. Chrystal won this book after linking her honest confession of her concerns at reentering church ministry (which I can completely relate to). If you’ve always been the good girl who fears that God will love her less if/when she fails, this book is for you.
Sponsor a child in Bolivia with World Vision
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