Blog Articles

On Loving, Hating, Bullies, and Forgiveness
My friend Nish shared this article by Beth Moore tonight, and I knew as soon as I read her words, that I needed to read it and that it was going to kick my butt. Then I read it, and I was right.
Life is hard enough without hatefulness rife in the Body of Christ. We are called to carry one another’s burdens, not pile relentlessly on top of them. We can still hold one another accountable. We can still ask questions. We can still disagree. But we can do it with respect.
I’m sick of the bullying. The mud-slinging and the meanness. I’m sick of careless, idle words thrown out there in the public square and professing believers in Christ standing on the necks of their own brothers and sisters to sound smart and superior. As if it’s not enough that we are surrounded in this culture by Christian haters, we’ve got to have our own hater-Christians. It’s insane.
When we turn people into caricatures, everything’s game. The moment we depersonalize them, our consciences harden and we can mock and slander at will and have a blast doing it. Snide blogs and tweets and Facebook posts about various leaders can also be effective ways to jump in their spotlight. Bullies aren’t just mean. They’re self-serving. They’re platform-hunting. They have to borrow one to perform.
Ouch. Sometimes I have prayed for the people I have criticized, but not always. Sometimes I have prayed for love in my own heart, but not always.
We need to do better. But first, I need to do better. Forgive me for my lack of grace and love.
I love the Body of Christ. I don’t want want to get cynical. I don’t want to sit around and hate the haters or I become one. But this morning I just want to say this. We can love each other better. Let’s do. People have enough hurt. Let’s be careful with one another.
Read Beth Moore‘s entire article, “Sadness and Madness,” here.