Blog Articles

Rob Bell, Jesus, and Suffering
These words encouraged my heart this weekend.
“And so when I talk about God, I’m talking about the Jesus who invites us to embrace our weakness and doubt and anger and whatever other pain and helplessness we’re carrying around, offering it up in all of its mystery, strangeness, pain, and unresolved tension to God, trusting that in the same way that Jesus’s offering of his body and blood brings us new life, this present pain and brokenness can also be turned into something new.
“The peace we are offered is not a peace that is free from
depression, or
“It is peace rooted in the trust that the life Jesus gives us is deeper, wider, stronger, and more enduring than whatever our current circumstances are, because all we see is not all there is and the last word about us and our struggle has not yet been spoken.“
(From Rob Bell’s “What We Talk About When We Talk About God“)