Taking Care of (Puppy) Business
As you may have noticed, I’ve been away from the blog all week. We’ve been busy with summer fun: swimming lessons, silliness, shopping, silliness, taking walks, silliness, and playing outside. Did I mention silliness? I love how easily the kids make us laugh! However, I seriously underestimated how much time it would take to keep…
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We Have a Name
For the past few weeks we’ve been agonizing over the name for our new puppy. Little Girl has been avidly campaigning for “Rosebud” or “Princess Rose,” while Big Boy has been tossing out random bizarre suggestions like “Bacon,” “Principal,” and “Nickel.” Little Boy tests each name out and so far has been able to say…
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We don’t have a name for her yet, though she looks a lot like “Rosebud” on the Airbuddies movie. I think we’ll give Little Girl some suggestions and see what she thinks. I guess this means I get to learn how to house-train a puppy! It can’t be tougher than potty-training a little boy, right?
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