The Achilles Heel of Complementarian Theology
Women are subordinate but not inferior. The weaker sex. Created equal in value while called to a role of lower (or no) authority. Evangelical Christians call these ideas about women (and men) “complementarianism” or the complementarian view of gender roles. We’ll talk about what this word means in a minute, but first a couple of notes. I’m an…
Read MoreReclaiming Eve: Why We Need to Stop Blaming Her for Everything
I enjoy talking with other writers and authors so much, and I love encouraging people to use their gifts. So when Beacon Hill Press asked if I’d be willing to facilitate a conversation with the authors of the new book, Reclaiming Eve: The Identity and Calling of Women in the Kingdom of God, I jumped at…
Read MoreThe Body Image Monster Is Here
We curled up together on my bed, book in hand, her hair still dripping from the night’s shower. She seemed down, but I have learned not to dig too vigorously. Make a space and show her I’m interested, and she will move into it and talk. The pages were about breast development, when girls might…
Read MoreWe Are Not Here To Make a Minister
This post is a story. It is a special story that I’ve wanted to tell and tried to write so many times. It is a scary story to send out into the world. I am protective of it like a mother with her child. But this Christmas, it finally leaked through my fingers onto the…
Read MoreReading the Bible as a Woman (or “When God Hands You a Bloody Tampon Sandwich”)
I have a story that burns to be told. But I’m afraid to tell it. I have started and stopped writing it numerous times over the last year. It is an incredibly precious story to me, so I’m afraid to expose it to criticism and misunderstanding from others. But more than that, I’m afraid of…
Read MoreFeminists, I Dare You To Hope
Two days ago, my friend Tony asked his readers if they would help him understand why the majority of the people who comment on his blog are men. I weighed in, and so did many others. Tony is a challenger, asking questions and debating issues, and it really comes through on his blog (though after…
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