Blog Articles

Versatile Blogger? Moi?
Cyrene from Mum in Flip Flops (isn’t that the best blog title?) sent me this blog award on Friday. Thank you, Cyrene!
The Versatile Blogger Award certainly sounds like the perfect award for someone who is still trying to find their niche. Like me.
The rules for receiving this award are:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Pass the award along to at least 10 bloggers you think are fantastic
4. Contact the bloggers you picked and let them know about the award
So, in no particular order, here are 7 things:
1. My husband and I will celebrate twelve years of marriage next month. We’ve crammed more into those twelve years than most people do in twenty, much of that related to or inside of children’s hospitals. But in spite of all of the sicknesses, surgeries, waiting rooms, medical terminology, lack of sleep, fear, worry, grief, tears, anger, and curve balls, we’re totally in love with each other. He and I are a team.
2. If I could pick anything at all to eat, I would totally go for garlic, butter, and salt over chocolate, sugar, and cream.
3. I write to think. I think by writing. Writing keeps my mind from wandering when I have to listen to someone else talk, teach, or preach. Words on the page put structure to ideas. I have at least five different notebooks stashed around so when I need to put pen to paper, it’s there. Maybe one day those handwritings will appear on the screen.
4. I was home-schooled for ten years. However, we are not home-schooling our children right now. I love to teach adults, but for whatever reason, I’m not effective with my own very young children. Exhibit A: It took my son seven years to learn to tie his shoes. That only happened because we couldn’t find any velcro shoes in his size.
5. I love to cook, but I’m not really into baking. Baked goods aren’t my go-to snack (see #2 above), plus they go straight to my hips. Cooking lets you throw copious amounts of garlic into a pan and turn out something scrumptious, without measuring spoons and measuring cups and other nit-picky details so essential to baking.
6. I don’t love to clean up after cooking. Though I do find it motivating to remember that cleaning my kitchen is one task that actually stays done until I myself tackle the next meal. Unlike, for example, cleaning the rest of the house.
7. The housecleaning task I dislike the most is cleaning bathrooms. The room in the house that I most want to be impeccably clean is the bathroom. This is quite a conundrum.
I am not going to pass along this award just yet — I need to go through my blog readers first and since they hold about 500 unread posts, it’s going to take me awhile. If I ever get caught up, I’ll let you know. Yes, I’m breaking the rules. Did I forget to list my penchant for questioning, stretching, and breaking rules? Oops. Consider that number 8.
Instead, it’s your turn. Tell me seven things about you! (Or at least tell me one.)