Blog Articles

Saturday Evening Blog Post, January 2011
The first Saturday of each month, Elizabeth Esther hosts a blog-hop in which everyone can feature their favorite/most-popular/most controversial post from the previous month. I am joining in this month, in which we are featuring a post from both December and January.
For December, I am re-linking the story “Bringing Up the Year as Mom of the Year” in which I single-handedly caused a five-way family crisis (normally my crises are limited to me or to my husband and me). This is one of those we’ll laugh about it later stories.
January was full of sickness, snow, and ice. Since I was stuck at home for days on end feeling crummy, I vented all that pent-up angst with posts that stirred up all sorts of passionate responses online (the Let’s Talk forum here, Facebook posts, and blog posts). Two posts in particular, one on politics and one on religion, got people riled up: the provocatively-titled Conservatives for Assassination and a response to critics of my questions about faith and doctrine, Why Do I Ask So Many Questions?
February, being the month of love, maybe I’ll crack open another Pandora’s box and write about sex. Oh wait, I already did.