Blog Articles
Fiction Is Fun! A New Book Review
I have always enjoyed stories that bring history to life, that put me in the stench of town life without plumbing, over a wood fire in a dark kitchen, huddled on a dirt floor under a quilt I made myself. When the story explores the efforts of brave women who dared to break outside the narrow lives forged by patriarchy, all the better. Caleb’s Crossing, by Geraldine Brooks, delivered all the above. The story is set in 1660 on an island off the coast of Massachusetts (now Martha’s Vineyard).
Click here to read the rest of my review on BlogHer.
My post, “The Before-the-Sex-Talk Talk With My Son” has been syndicated on BlogHer this week! If you’ve ever had the sex talk with a child, please come over and share your sage advice. And if that delightful experience is still in your future, come, read, laugh, and then soak up the great suggestions from more experienced parents.
Please pray for the newborn son of Tiny Twig, one my fellow writers at Deeper Story. Her son was born a few weeks early last week and has been very sick with pneumonia. They are waiting on results of a spinal tap and praying that the infection has not spread to his brain. The news was better yesterday, but I’ve been at the bedside of a critically-ill newborn. It is a roller-coaster, as difficult as you can imagine and then some. If you would, I know that she would appreciate a note from you as well. Knowing that others are thinking of and praying for you is such an encouragement when you’re scared and tired and the days are so very long.