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Slow Isn’t So Bad
Growing up I’ve always been the cram-it-all-in, never-say-no kind of gal. I get the most done when I’m too busy to slack off, so that’s how I keep myself moving. Then God gave me a much more leisurely husband who doesn’t love to jam-pack a calendar, meanders instead of races around, and relishes days with nothing in them. I’ve discovered a whole new approach to life, one that is much easier on everyone around me and to be honest, easier on me too. I’m learning to appreciate a slower pace.
Sometimes the slower pace is forced on me, like the last two weeks. All but one of us have been sick, including the youngest who ran a fever for 8 days straight. During all the temperature-taking, nose-blowing, and medicine-dosing, I was so thankful to be a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom (#241) and not having to worry about babysitters and rearranging my work schedule around all the germs (#242).
We just hunkered down with soup and movies, and waited it out. The kids and I spent hours cuddled on the couch (#243), Kleenex and telephone and TV remote all within reach.
I’m pretty sure these beauties from my hubby had healing powers. (#244)
I have really enjoyed reading next to our bay window with the flowers beaming their smiles at me. (#245) I’m reading through the Bible in 90 days, and sometimes you just need to rest your eyes from all the sacrificial laws and genealogies.
For Mother’s Day, my husband got me “one last book” (but no more since my to-read piles are ridiculously high). I can’t wait to dive into “Feminine Threads: Women in the Tapestry of Christian History.” (#246)
Slowing down makes finding those little gifts sprinkled through each day much easier. When I’m racing from one thing to the next, life becomes a blur, and I miss so much.
Some new throw pillows on the couch (#247) and picture frames for the kids’ recent portraits (#248) always brighten a drizzly gray spring day.
We are rejoicing with my sister’s good job news (#249) and eagerly anticipating a real vacation with the family this summer (#250).
The kids each made very sweet cards for Mother’s Day (#251), in which my cooking was a constant theme. I’m thankful that they like to eat (#252) and that they like to eat what I make (#253).
We’re all better, and no-one needed a special trip to the doctor (#254), unless you count the little incident with the penny last week, but that had nothing to do with being sick and everything to do with being a little boy (more to come on that story).
What special blessings do you notice if you slow down and take a moment to look around?
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