Blog Articles

Saturday Evening Blog Post ~ Best of January 2012
It’s the first Saturday of the month, which means it’s time for the Saturday Evening Blog Post hosted by Elizabeth Esther. We link up our favorite, most popular, most controversial, or most whatever post (your choice!) and then visit a few new bloggers to see their most whatever post for the previous month, too.
In January, I wrote “Gratitude Lists and What to Do with Pain,” reflecting on the tendency I see in Christendom to call bad things good and claim to know exactly why God allows those bad things. After several years of relentless, almost frantic striving to find answers to my Why questions, I’m finally able to rest, to mourn the bad, and call it what it is. Gratitude lists are a help, but neither are they a miracle cure.
My husband and I also joined a new Monday series begun by Seth and Amber Haines called “Marriage Letters.” We’re writing to each other and sharing those letters with all of you in hopes that sharing the struggle and joys of marriage will encourage each of you to fight the good fight for your relationships. I couldn’t pick one favorite, though! We wrote about “secret fantasies…. for the future,” our nightly rituals, and then a plain ol’ ordinary love letter. This coming Monday, we’re writing on “opposites attract” and we’d love for you to join in!
What was your favorite, most popular, most controversial, or most whatever post for January? Link up with Elizabeth and share!