Blog Articles

A Traditionally-Ordained Pastor Weighs In on Ordination
Yesterday, a friend and colleague of mine wrote a response to my post on A Deeper Story about being ordained in Sri Lanka. She, as a traditionally-ordained Baptist minister, is very interested in continuing the conversation about varying ways to view ordination and how the church can better reflect the kingdom of God. I appreciated her thoughts so much that I had to share them with you.
The ministry of these women I know inspires me. It challenges me. And I feel a sense of collegiality with them. Though they might feel inferior at first to me because I have seminary degree (ridiculous really that we have to have these barriers), in the end it matters little. If at all. From where I sit, we are sisters. We know what it feels like to be called by God to teach, to care for and even preach to those in need a word of good news. Pastors are just who we are.
Read her entire post here. What do you think about ordaining people within and without the traditional [American concept of the] church? Is it a flawed system in need of renovation? If so, what?